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The Future Of Energy Storage Products

Update time:2024-04-26

At present, the energy storage industry is in a stage of rapid development, which not only has the characteristics of a blue ocean market, but also highlights the competition in the red ocean market. It has experienced technological innovation, production capacity expansion, fierce market competition and rapid growth driven by policies and markets. At the same time, it has also faced severe challenges from price decline,overcapacity and industry reshuffle .

With the growing demand in China's power market and the continued increase in the installed capacity and proportion of non-fossil energy in power generation, the expansion of the energy storage market has ushered in unprecedented room for development. Against this background, technological innovations such as lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries, compressed air energy storage and other fields have shown huge development potential and market growth opportunities. In recent years, more than 400,000 companies and many leading capitals have poured into the blue ocean of the energy storage industry, competing to explore the infinite possibilities of this emerging field. Especially in the first quarter of 2024, there were 58 investment and financing events in the primary market of the domestic energy storage industry (excluding IPOs), involving a total amount of up to 4 billion yuan. These capitals are mainly concentrated in energy storage system integration, batteries Key segments such as safety and thermal management. This string of eye-catching figures not only highlights the booming development of the energy storage market, but also reflects the capital market's great confidence and enthusiasm for this industry.

It can be seen that the energy storage industry is not only in an early stage of rapid development, but also has become the darling of the capital market. Under such a situation, the future of the energy storage industry is undoubtedly full of unlimited imagination and broad development prospects. At the same time, under the influence of favorable policies, China's energy storage industry is facing unprecedented development opportunities. Taking Shandong Province as an example, on April 22, 2024, the Shandong Energy Bureau announced the list of market-oriented grid-connected projects in 2024. The total number of projects reached 118, with the installed capacity as high as 10.51GW.




Of particular concern is the energy storage configuration in these market-oriented grid-connected projects. The scale of electrochemical energy storage has reached 4345.9MW/8722.6MWh, and the electrochemical energy storage energy is 30-80%*2h; the flexibility transformation of coal power is 9-18.8%*8h. Among them, the proportion of electrochemical energy storage configured is as high as 80% . This not only demonstrates the strong support of local governments for the energy storage industry, but also reflects the key role of energy storage technology in promoting energy transformation and achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. This policy initiative is undoubtedly a powerful boost to the development of the energy storage industry. It not only provides a broad market space for energy storage companies, but also provides a solid policy guarantee for the optimization and upgrading of the energy structure. As local governments continue to increase their support for the energy storage industry, we have reason to believe that the energy storage industry will usher in a more brilliant future.


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